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Business Services Magazine

The hunt for the attrition ghost in our SSC environment

The term attrition goes around our organizations almost like a ghost that can all of a sudden arise after a few years of successful operations. Even though you as an organization thought that you did everything to make your workplace a fantastic place to be at, attrition is still happening and it looks like a virtually unsolvable issue. However, there are still a number of ways to manage your workforce and keep the impact of the attrition ghost relatively low. Let us look a little bit closer at certain focus areas and see how they can provide a significant impact on attrition management in your SSC environment. 

Attrition is not a new phenomenon in our SSC environment and yet many companies are struggling to retain their key resources in a more and more competitive market. Especially now that complexity in our organizations is increasing by moving higher value work towards our centers and the pull on resources to move abroad is getting tougher. The term attrition goes...

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